Welcome to our stationery and lifestyle brand, where we take pride in creating exclusive handmade journals that are not only beautiful but keeps that creative block behind you, made from scrap fabrics. In this blog post, we want to give you an inside look at the meticulous process behind crafting each unique upcycled notebook. From tearing and sorting the paper to selecting the perfect cover and binding it all together, our dedicated team of two pours their heart and soul into creating these one-of-a-kind pieces. Join us as we delve into the intricate steps involved in bringing your hand-stitched upcycled notebook to life.

Tearing and Deckled-Edge Feel:
At the core of our handmade journals is the process of tearing the paper. Each large sheet is carefully torn by hand into smaller pieces, taking into account the color and GSM (grams per square meter) of the paper. This meticulous tearing process gives our notebooks a unique deckled-edge feel, adding a touch of rustic elegance. While this step requires effort, we find it therapeutic and essential in creating the distinctive character of our notebooks.

Sorting and Selecting Fine Sheets:
Once the tearing is complete, we embark on the sorting process. We meticulously sort through the torn sheets, handpicking the finest ones for the notebook's interior pages. This step ensure that your journal provides a smooth and enjoyable writing experience. Any not-so-fine sheets find their purpose in scratch sale products or are used as protective layers underneath the cover, minimizing waste and maximizing resourcefulness.
Handpicked Cover Fabrics:
The cover of your upcycled notebook is where creativity and design come to life. We take great care in handpicking the best fabrics from our scraps, ensuring that each notebook has a beautiful and distinctive cover. By repurposing these materials, we contribute to the sustainable nature of our brand. Our brainstorming process often goes hand in hand with sorting, as we explore innovative ways to minimize waste and create aesthetically pleasing covers. Occasionally, we even combine two different scrap fabrics, resulting in truly unique combinations.

Hole Punching and Binding:
With the necessary sheets and cover ready, we move on to the next steps in the creation process. Carefully aligning the pages and cover, we punch holes in them based on the chosen stitch style. This step requires precision and attention to detail to ensure a seamless and durable binding. Finally, comes the most satisfying part—the binding process. It brings together all the elements, transforming loose sheets and a fabric cover into a cohesive and functional handmade journal. Each notebook takes approximately 20-30 minutes to stitchdue to the various factors involved, demonstrating our commitment to delivering quality craftsmanship.

There you have it—a glimpse into the dedication and effort poured into each handmade journal we create. From tearing and sorting the paper to selecting the perfect cover and binding it all together, our process is a labor of love. We are passionate about offering unique and upcycled stationery, and this commitment extends beyond just the creation of our products. While we haven't delved into all the other steps involved, such as packaging, shipping, and the management of our online presence, we hope this insight into our upcycled process highlights our dedication to providing you with a truly exceptional stationery experience. Thank you for joining us on this journey.
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